Project Time and Cost Analysis Reports

Timesheet Portal offers a variety of different reports and categorisations of work. You can analyse worker efficiency, determine problem areas within your business or projects and come up with educated decisions.

Real-time Data Reports

Check the statistics of your project time spend and invoices generated instantly with a friendly graphical display. Easy to analyse, Timesheet Portal dashboards can be adjusted to show you the exact data you care about upon logging in. 

To dig deeper, you can produce a variety of more granulated and sophisticated reports. With over 60 pre-built report templates, you can analyse time and costs spent on projects, clients, work type, location and more. 

Or you can build your own templates. Use our drag-and-drop interface to create a custom report featuring the figures of your interest. Most reports can be downloaded as CSV or Excel, and can also be extracted using our API. This way you can feed real-time data into your own graphical data analysis systems.

Project Analysis[1]
Project Features Analysis Project Detail[1]

Project Budgets & Utilisation

Keep track of your expenditures by setting project budgets based on project, individual tasks or tasks per employee. View reports showing both charge and cost budgets against the projects, make more accurate forecasts, mitigate risks and allocate both the budget and workforce better.

Our system will help you identify employees being underutilised or projects that are not billed properly. In other words, Timesheet Portal grants you an omnipotent view of your project budget use. Armed with that, you will never make an uneducated decision again.

Employee Reports

While it’s important to understand how your business runs as a whole, individual performance matters too. This is why with Timesheet Portal you can run reports to analyse stand-alone workers and their achievements. Employee reports allow you to monitor working hours compliance. They help ensure adequate breaks are taken between long stretches of consecutive working days, helping you prevent staff burnout.

Timesheet Portal also helps you identify problem employees with sketchy absence patterns. We offer customised employee absenteeism reports that show rates of absence and Bradford factor scores. Identify the problem and nip it in the bud before it becomes costly.

Project Features Analysis Employees[1]

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Timesheet Portal online software provided by Anfold Software Ltd, a registered company in the UK.