Timesheet Portal and Bullhorn

With the right systems in place for your business can you take the improvements even further? Integrating your Bullhorn CRM with Timesheet Portal provides a true end-to-end solution, made possible by our custom API connection.

It goes without saying that the software you choose to implement for your business is a crucial element of your strategy. The right tools bring a range of benefits, ranging from winning back time spent on manual admin work to reducing the chance of human error. What’s more, they ultimately bring a better experience to all parties involved: clients, internal teams and contractors. 

Selecting the right CRM and timesheet system for your business is a great step forward, but how can you take the benefits each system provides to the next level? Integrating your Bullhorn CRM and Timesheet Portal provides a seamless work flow from front office through to pay & bill, all driven by our custom API connections.  

With that said, let us walk you through the integration between Bullhorn and Timesheet Portal.  

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What is it?

An API integration is the best in class method of transferring data from one system to another. To get the most out of the connection it takes more than just ‘switching it on’. Different systems hold different fields which all need to be taken into account for a seamless integration. 

When an integration is configured correctly your teams can easily share data via automated data transfer and never worry about duplicates or manual intervention again. 



To start the process, in depth scoping works to highlight the fields and data required for transfer to Timesheet Portal from Bullhorn. Every agency is different, and this tailored approach means an integration that best fits the needs of your business.  

Once connected, tested and released, you can immediately reap the benefits of the automated transfer of information. In recruitment nothing is static and that’s the same for the integration. Moving forward adjustments can be made to ensure that the connection is continually enhancing your workflow. 

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Timesheet Portal online software provided by Anfold Software Ltd, a registered company in the UK.