Changes to Mileage Expense Claims

Author: Eugenija Steponkute
Published: 30/12/2019
mileage expense claims

We are happy to announce further upgrades - Timesheet Portal expense forms are changing. In this update, we are addressing mileage expenses specifically as we’ve noticed them still raising questions for our users. Our solution is blending the mileage expense claims with the standard form, therefore making it easier to access and process, for both the submitter and the approver. It will still appear separately on the reports. 

Most businesses are unaware they are losing a big chunk of money on employee expenses every year. To be more precise, the process is usually too complicated and inefficient, making workers avoid it altogether. In more extreme cases, it can also be taken advantage of, therefore forcing you to issue larger compensations than the amount spent. The solution is fixing and streamlining the process - and this is what we aim to aid you with at Timesheet Portal. 

Easier Access to Mileage Expense Claims 

From 9th January, you will no longer need to choose between mileage and standard expense form. Instead, all expense forms will be treated the same way, and calculating mileage will occur when choosing a specific expense category. During our upgrade process, all accounts using calculated mileage expense forms will have a new expense category labelled 'Calculated Mileage'. Choosing this category will show the from and to boxes your users will be familiar with, including a display of the start and end miles and vehicle registration fields.

Time is money, and therefore every click matters. While this is not a major change, we are certain those few seconds we help you save can contribute to your upcoming successes. 

Be Part of Future Developments

At Timesheet Portal, we are always looking for ways to give our clients as much value as we can. All of our updates and changes begin with you. Therefore, if you have any complaints, suggestions or would just like to provide feedback - we are waiting to hear from you.

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Timesheet Portal online software provided by Anfold Software Ltd, a registered company in the UK.