Timesheet Portal Blog Archive - 10/2021 - 12/2021

Timesheet Portal is a provider of online timesheets, expenses and holiday bookings. Browse below to view our latest industry blog posts as well as software updates.

Smart Ways to Monitor Work Attendance

The best way to monitor work attendance is by utilising a digital solution. Otherwise, you risk losing billions of pounds every year.

A Guide to Project Cost Management Software

There are many things that are part of cost management. The good news is that you don’t have to do it all by yourself. There is project cost management software to assist you.

Changes to HMRC New Starter Checklist for PAYE

Timesheet Portal has updated the PAYE new starter checklist in line with the latest HMRC questions. We have also migrated old checklist forms to the new structure. Read more for more information on what's changed.

Annual Leave and Its Role in Business Success

Ditch the mindset that your employee is dedicated when they work overtime or take no time off. And instead, nurture the culture of a healthy mindset in regards to annual leave.

Top 5 Project Management Tools for Scaling Companies

These five project management tools are aimed at making the task of project management easier, yet they each have a unique value proposition.

A Guide to Project Management Innovation

A guide to discovering an ultimate way of implementing project management innovation.

Software Automation for Managing Multiple Projects at Once

Modern technology has proven to be a massive help to better project management, however, often companies either choose the wrong tools or don’t know how to utilise them.

Terms and Conditions Update

We have updated our Terms and Conditions to add more clarity to certain clauses. Make sure to familiarise yourself with the changes.

How to Become a Superstar of Contractor Management

In this piece, we will be focusing on the retention of existing contracts and how to ensure that the acquisition of new talents results in long-term collaborations.

Timesheet Software to Improve Office Culture

SaaS solutions can have a huge impact on how your company operates from within. Whether a CRM or a timesheet management system, every cloud product can create team alignment and drive digital transformation when utilised correctly.

5 Easy but Impactful Time Tracking Tips

From saving money and staying compliant with the law to maintaining relationships with both clients and employees, these easy-to-follow time tracking tips will add value to your day-to-day processes.

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Timesheet Portal online software provided by Anfold Software Ltd, a registered company in the UK.