Timesheet Portal Blog Archive - 07/2023 - 09/2023

Timesheet Portal is a provider of online timesheets, expenses and holiday bookings. Browse below to view our latest industry blog posts as well as software updates.

3 Ways to Manage More Projects at Once

As the number of projects grows, the need to repeatedly switch focus will increase in frequency too. No matter how organised and professionally seasoned you are, you are only human. And this is the quickest route to burnout. Not unless you are smart about it.

When the Number of Projects Gets Out of Control

Through the years, project managers have come up with multiple approaches and strategies how to stay on top of their game. However, the world is changing and so are the requirements, deeming some of the past best practices irrelevant. And so this article’s focus is all about what...

Toolbox for a Rapidly Scaling Business

While sustainable growth is certainly a recommendation, sometimes it comes through a little too late. And sometimes, you have no choice but to scale your business fast. Whatever the circumstances are, while rapid scaling brings a plethora of challenges, it can still be managed an...

Sustainable Business Growth with SaaS Technology

It’s in your best interest to focus on a more gradual, slow-paced growth. While it may sound counter-intuitive, unlike instant scaling, it’s a continuous process and long-term results which will also save you a lot of money. One thing you need to achieve that is SaaS technology....

How to Manage a Quickly Scaling Business?

Quick results are barely ever sustainable. The growth spur is often a one-time wonder rather than a consistent process, meaning it will halt the moment there resources needed for it are exhausted. This is essentially what happens to quickly scaling businesses too.

Top 3 Features of a Powerful Invoice Automation Software

Different businesses have different needs, hence there’s an endless supply of solutions. That said, we won’t choose the best product for you. What we will do, on the other hand, is point out three pillars on which the best solutions are built.

When is the Best Time to Start Automating Invoices?

There are many processes, and prioritising their automation can be difficult. Where should invoicing be on the priority list? When is the best time to automate it? Our aim today is to answer these questions. 

Growth, Scaling and Timesheets

Growth and scalability should be something companies thrive to achieve, but it must not be rushed. Simply put, when it happens too quickly there are plenty of negative consequences to shoulder, which we will be discussing in this article. We will also share tips on how to control...

Manual Invoicing is a Waste of Time

Invoicing is one of the processes you should automate as soon as possible. First of all, it’s a relatively small operation and is therefore perfect for the first steps towards digital transformation. Secondly, the impact this small change delivers is actually very big. But that’s...

Tools for Digital Transformation of the IT Sector

The IT sector is not up to today's standard. There’s a gap in efficiency, delivery speed and often quality. In other words, with the way things are now, there is only one way to solve the issue at hand - by getting the process of digital transformation going.

Guide to Delivering Better IT Services

In a world that’s speeding through technological advancement, project managers are better equipped for success than ever before. With a vast amount of tools available, all it takes is knowledge of how to put them to use to deliver better IT services and projects. So, let’s dig in...

Can You Innovate the IT Industry?

The industry was resting on its laurels for too long and is now quite behind in terms of modernisation. With the growing difficulty of employing senior specialists, this is becoming a serious issue. It’s becoming very clear: not only you can innovate the IT industry, but you must...

Best Software for Innovative IT Project Managers

While the demands for projects have never been higher, the project managers of today have many choices of solutions available to aid them in meeting them. However, having too many choices isn’t great either, especially when projects continue being restrained by the usual offender...

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Timesheet Portal online software provided by Anfold Software Ltd, a registered company in the UK.