Timesheet Summary on Invoices

Author: Eugenija Steponkute
Published: 28/06/2021
timesheet summary invoices

We have introduced a new feature allowing for timesheets to be grouped into a table summary when generating an invoice that includes multiple timesheets. This makes it easier to navigate the system and find the timesheet of interest quicker, be it for an internal audit, on a client’s demand or for any other reason.

When dealing with big volumes of timesheets, it can be particularly difficult to pick out the ones that either cause questions or require a review. Understanding the challenge of accessing data on demand, we have added a layer of flexibility to it by making it easier to segment on Timesheet Portal. Mind, this feature isn’t automatically applied to all the invoices, and you’ll therefore need to turn it on yourself.

Turning Timesheet Summary On

Whether you are ready to start using the new functionality right away or just want to try it out, the activation takes but a few clicks. The feature can be enabled by heading to Settings > Client invoicing > Invoice layout. Once there, under the drop-down menu for 'Embedded timesheets mode' select Timesheets summary table. 

In addition to document nesting, the timesheet summary will also show a digital signature with the IP address of the approver. It is a very useful addition to have when performing bulk timesheet submissions. Additionally, if there is a mistake in the submitted timesheets, you can easily track back to who the approver was and bring the issue up with them. 

Be Part of Future Developments

At Timesheet Portal, we are always looking for ways to give our clients as much value as we can. All of our updates and changes begin with you. Therefore, if you have any complaints, suggestions or would just like to provide feedback - we are waiting to hear from you.

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Timesheet Portal online software provided by Anfold Software Ltd, a registered company in the UK.