Best Digital Timesheet Solutions to Integrate with QuickBooks

Author: Eugenija Steponkute
Published: 24/10/2022
timesheet quickbooks integration

In this article, we want to present financial directors and business owners with a list of digital timesheet solutions to integrate with QuickBooks. Please keep in mind we have picked these tools based on our own judgement. We understand that different businesses will have different demands and expectations, so don't follow our recommendation without first outlining your needs. 




QuickBooks is, undeniably, one of the world's most popular accounting packages. It's a powerful tool that makes the life of accounting easier. What's more, it's versatile and has great potential of expanding its core functionality through a wide list of integrations. You would be wise to use it as the cornerstone of your digital stack, whether you're only starting to build one or are looking to grow it.

Since timesheets are crucial to pay and bill processes, there is little wonder most solutions integrate with QuickBooks. However, the level of integration as well as the overall functionality of the tool varies from vendor to vendor. Given the market for time tracking and its automation is saturated, it might be difficult to navigate in attempts to find the digital timesheet solution that ticks all the boxes. To make it a tiny bit easier, we've put together a list of software we would personally recommend. 

QuickBooks Time Tracking System Isn’t for Everyone

While the simplest route to getting a timesheet solution that works with QuickBooks would be using the tool they have developed themselves, it’s not necessarily the best one. While the experience provided is guaranteed to be seamless, QuickBooks is not a designated time tracking platform. Its timesheet module isn’t as features and customisation filled as tools from other, industry-specialised vendors. 

Although we are not implying it’s not a good tool overall, some businesses may find it limiting. Depending on your needs and how basic or complex your processes are, the QuickBooks time tracker may not be meeting your expectation. This is why we scouted 4 amazing alternatives that can be used instead and help you build workflows just as smooth.

  1. Timesheet Portal

Let’s begin with the solution we know all ins and out of. Not to toot our own horn, but Timesheet Portal’s integration with QuickBooks is nearly perfect. From easy data transfers to enhanced reporting, not only have we already built a seamless link but keep on polishing it. On top of that, Timesheet Portal is a powerful tool with a lot of room for customisation when it comes to invoices, expenses, differentiating rates and many more. All these goodies, of course, can be easily exported into QuickBooks with but a click.

We have recently updated our whole user interface to make the experience even easier and more straightforward. The process of connecting Timesheet Portal to QuickBooks is very straightforward and put into easy-to-follow steps. And if you need any further assistance - we have video tutorials available, covering everything from linking the two tools together to ensuring they are mapped and synched properly. 

  1. Kantata

The colourful and vibrant interface of Kantata addresses project management challenges across different departments of your company. It is well reflected in their choice of integrations: QuickBooks and other popular accounting packages, marketing software, project management tools and others. This tool prioritises software centralisation, which is clearly stated through its messaging across all channels. That signals that the integrations simply cannot disappoint as they’re at the core of Kantata. 

What we like about their approach to centralisation, is that not only do they offer many integration options but also allow you to align them to one another within the platform. Kantata takes being a central project management hub of a tech stack very seriously, therefore giving you access to control its performance. 

  1.  Paychex

As the name would imply, Paychex is a solution primary based on payroll services. However, they offer a lot of other features: HR services, business insurance, employee benefits and, of course, time and attendance. Due to a diverse selection of packages, Paychex caters to businesses of all sizes and has a system in place which will make it easier to determine which tool would benefit your organisation the most. 

Another notable thing about this developer is that their list of integrations is massive. In other words, while you certainly get the QuickBooks integration with them, you are likely to be able to connect more tools you already own to their solutions. 

  1. JustWorks

A few years ago there was a boom of highly-interactive cloud platforms, often balanced with simple and straightforward websites. If you loved that format and miss it now that the trend has subsided - JustWorks is a tool for you. Their pages are very informative yet formatted to keep the text concise and easy to read - mainly because the solution itself does most of the talking. And, believe us - there is more than meets the eye. 

Although JustWorks isn’t marketed as a timesheet solution and rather emphasises its payroll, HR and compliance functionality - time tracking is still one of its core features within it. Curiously, JustWorks are also not highlighting their integrations - but rest assured, they do work with QuickBooks. In addition to all that, there’s also a referral program in place. But to find out more about it we recommend you check their website. 


QuickBooks is one of the world’s leading accounting solutions and is therefore widely used by businesses in different industries. While it offers its own separate solution for timesheets and invoicing, it does not meet the requirements most companies, especially niche ones, have. Thankfully, there’s a huge market out there for specialist time tracking solutions that can offer more suitable options for complex and business-specific operations. What’s more, the majority of them easily integrate with the original QuickBooks accounting package. 

While we have only listed 4 of our favourite solutions, rest assured there’s certainly more out there. Integrations with your existing stack are one of the key factors to consider when looking for a digital solution but don’t forget to also address the functionality needs of your organisation. At the end of the day, no matter how frustrating the process of finding THE solution is, always remember that with the market as wide and saturated there is certainly one made just for you. Maybe it’s one of the 4 we’ve shared?

And if it’s Timesheet Portal, do not hesitate to book a demo.

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Timesheet Portal online software provided by Anfold Software Ltd, a registered company in the UK.