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Can You Innovate the IT Industry?

Author: Eugenija Steponkute
Published: 10/07/2023

For the longest time, IT has been associated with technological advancement. However, it’s now fallen far behind. In this article, we will be talking to the owners of businesses operating in this sphere, dissecting what stunts growth and how to innovate the IT industry.

Innovation is quite a buzzword everyone seems to be chasing. However, despite its popularity, it’s still often misunderstood and associated with things it has little connection to. For example - IT. While in the early days of technology IT was, indeed, somewhat of a synonym for innovation, it’s no longer true. In fact, the industry was resting on its laurels for too long and is now quite behind in terms of modernisation. With the growing difficulty of employing senior specialists, this is becoming a serious issue. It’s becoming very clear: not only you can innovate the IT industry, but you must do it for it to survive. 

In this article, we will focus on why the industry isn’t as capable of blending into the modern world today, despite being the pinnacle of technological advancement before. We will then explore what are the options to address these issues and how you should go about it. Finally, we will touch on the subject of introducing the change and how to ensure your efforts don’t go to waste. 

What is Innovation in IT Industry?

The innovation in IT industry entails digitisation of the key processes. It includes the use of various digital tools meant to automate operations either partly or fully. The goal of it is to drive efficiency by speeding the processes up as well as minimising potential human error.

Additionally, it’s means of allowing your teams to communicate and collaborate better. Innovation may also let you dive into a deeper talent pool as it’s strongly based around remote working, meaning you won’t be limited by factors such as the location of a worker. All in all, there are many reasons to seek innovation. Let’s delve deeper into them.

The Issue on Hand

You may be wondering if you REALLY need to innovate the IT industry. If you are hesitant to, here’s your wake-up call: yes, you really need to. Relying on the outdated strategy is a ticking time bomb you might not be aware of up until it explodes. It’s in your best interest to deactivate it before it goes off.

Outdated Software Limitations

The major offender when it comes to lack of efficiency or flexibility in IT isn’t lack of software. It is, in fact, the software that has been in place for years if not decades. Given how fast the market of modern solutions is progressing, there is little surprise the older solutions simply don’t make the cut. Fun fact, most IT-focused companies still rely on device-bound programs, some of which would be installed using a CD. If we take into consideration that most machines today come without a CD-ROM installed in them, it becomes evident just how outdated must some solutions be.

The problem with the older solutions is that they are usually not supported on more than one device, meaning not suitable for remote workers. Additionally, they’re not built to support collaborations nor are equipped to shoulder today’s demands. Insisting on continuing to use such tools can seriously hinder a company’s growth as, simply put, they prevent you from progressing. Sometimes old and trusted isn’t necessarily the best. 

Siloed Departments

Despite focusing on IT, your company more than likely has more departments than one. The common issue that gets in the way of innovation is that they are not communicating. We aren’t talking of just the common misalignment of departments closely tied to one another like marketing and sales. But also those who don’t normally communicate much, for example, creatives and legal. For the innovation to move forward, all departments in your company must have visibility of one another. 

What’s often misunderstood is that data one department collects can be applied in multiple places across the business. Simply put, it can be analysed from different standpoints and in a different context. This can, in turn, lead to discovering patterns, opportunities or gaps in your strategy. Siloed departments will put your business into a state of stagnation as everyone will be stuck in their routines, focusing on maintenance instead of driving improvements. 

Route to Innovation

So now that you understand the dangers of delaying the change, let’s talk about how to implement it. The good news is that it isn’t as difficult as you may assume. In fact, innovation is something that’s made very accessible to companies of all sizes. All you need is the right tool and the right mindset. 

SaaS Technology

Believe it or not, there is one relatively simple solution to the issues described above. Software-as-a-Service technology, also known as SaaS. Unlike the older solutions, it is not bound to a device it was installed on. Instead, it exists in the cloud, making it accessible through an internet browser. This lifts a number of limitations - the location of the worker, the device they use, the threat of data loss if the device breaks down and many others. Simply put, SaaS is the software model of today that isn’t only meant to accommodate hybrid workplaces but is also designed to stack different solutions together through integrations. 

A software stack is meant to become a centralised collaboration and data hub for your entire company. It enables different departments to access collectively gathered data, analyse it and collaborate with each other when making use of it. What software goes into it is completely up to you and what your business needs. As long as there is a way to link the solutions with one another, there are no rules to what can and cannot be done. 

Digital Transformation Mindset

Although digital transformation is often understood as the incorporation of software into business, it isn’t exactly that. In fact, it’s far more complex than simply paying for digital tools and getting them to do the job. It is, before anything, a mindset. It’s based on the idea of constant improvement through analysis of the data collected through automation and continuous optimising based on it.

The challenge here is adopting the said mindset yourself and then ensuring the rest of your company is on the same page. The good news is that it’s now easier as the concept of digital transformation is better understood now than it was a few years back. It’s still often confused with digitisation, which, indeed, only entails the use of software to handle traditionally manual tasks. As long as you educate yourself on these differences and pass your knowledge on to your teams - you are on the right track, 

Team Work is Dream Work

One thing we need to clarify is that you cannot drive the innovation all on your own. Similar to your company’s overall success, whether you can innovate effectively largely depends on your team. That’s why you must not exclude them. The opposite is true. You want your team to get as involved as possible.

Be Patient and Gradual

People don’t like the change. Especially when they believe that the status quo is working just fine. If in their eyes you’re trying to fix something that isn’t broken they will naturally oppose it. Not only will this lead to delays in progress, but can also become a source of resentment and wasted resources. That’s why you shouldn’t just spring the new solutions and processes to your teams. Instead, you need to gradually warm them up to it. 

Start by nurturing the correct mindset, bringing the workers to an understanding of the change and the thought process behind it. Then gradually begin drip-feeding them the knowledge they need. If possible, have senior staff of the departments involved sit through software demos with you, so they can ask questions and actively participate in the process of decision-making. If the vendor offers additional training or supporting materials, don’t pass on the opportunity. Ultimately, don’t rush the process and be thorough in teaching your workers about the new approach, without overwhelming them. 


It’s no longer a preference to innovate the IT industry but a dire need. The way most companies are right now is insufficient to meet the requirements of today. From outdated device-bound software to a lack of team communication, companies that delay the change are stripping themselves of opportunities to grow. 

What most don’t understand is that innovation isn’t as complicated as it sounds. Digital transformation is, by large, a mindset rather than a strategy. And digitisation, the crucial part of it, isn’t as threatening as it may appear at first glance. SaaS technology is designed with simplicity in mind, for both setup and use. Not to mention, you can stack different solutions via easy integrations, further driving the process of innovation. The biggest challenge is adopting the right mindset and ensuring everyone on your team shares it. As long as you’re methodic, gradual and thorough with the process, you surely can innovate the IT industry.

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