Rate Card Feature

Author: Eugenija Steponkute
Published: 04/06/2023

We are happy to announce we are adding yet another feature to our wide catalogue. This time it’s a rate card, something we believe health and social care agencies will benefit from the most. Of course, other industries may find it useful too. At the end of the day, it is available for everyone who may be interested in either using it or simply trying it out.

The rate card function is a handy feature for managing placements that require multiple rates. It removes the need to add rates to placements manually. With our health and social care agency clients in mind, the feature enables you to create the rates once on a rate card, and then reference this set rate card to the placement through the rates section.

How to Access and Use the Feature

To enable this feature, you will first need to enable the enterprise module. You can do it by following this path: Setting > Subscription modules > Add on modules. Scroll down until you find the enterprise module and enable the toggle under it.

Then, head to System > Rate cards > New rate card to set a new rate card.

During this process, you can then give the rate card a name, set the required rates and amounts. Click Update next to each entity and then click the final Update button under currency.  With this, your rate card will be saved and ready to use.

You can also run this operation under the Rate and Billing tab on the placement. It will be located in a Rate Card drop-down.

Be Part of Future Developments

At Timesheet Portal, we are always looking for ways to give our clients as much value as we can. All of our updates and changes begin with you. Therefore, if you have any complaints, suggestions or would just like to provide feedback - we are waiting to hear from you.

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Timesheet Portal online software provided by Anfold Software Ltd, a registered company in the UK.